Voodoo Doll of the Month: Sofia Vee

Sofia Vee is the essence of  style and beauty. She has such a classic look that transcends into fun, sexy, and alluring. With a background in modeling and fashion and a love of the arts, Sofia is ready to take on her dreams and help others pursue theirs. I introduce you to our Voodoo Doll of the Month (June) Ms. Sofia Vee!

Joey: Hi Sofia! Why don’t you quickly tell us where you’re from and when and how you got into modeling?
Sofia: Hey hey hey!!!  I am from Union City, CA a small town within the Bay Area. I started getting into modeling while attending college for Fashion Design and Visual Merchandising at San Francisco State University.  I started doing shoots for my friends clothing lines, runway shows, makeup shows, and it has just escaladed from there!
Joey: Your photos are beautiful. You have such a great look for any type of shoot and style. What’s your favorite type of shoot?
Sofia: Thank you so much!  My favorite type of shoot would have to be fashion /editorial style shoots.  I love being able to be creative and daring while expressing your self through fashion.  I more recently have been doing more tattooed themed shoots, which is also very enjoyable because I get to express myself through my body art and share it with the world!
Joey: Besides modeling you have a background in fashion design, hair styling, producing fashion shows and art shows. Tell us more about this love you have fashion and art?
Sofia: I have loved fashion and art from a very young age.  I can remember in high school drawing out fashion illustrations, and making my own clothing.  In college I was the show producer for SFSU’s annual runway show, which was a platform to continue to network and develop leadership skills, which I would need in Graduate School. During college I was able to expand my interests and talents into the art world by producing art shows for local artists.  The fashion industry is definitely interrelated with art and hairstyling, and as I worked on more shows I started doing hair on the side, but my love for fashion and the arts just kept growing!
Joey: You mentioned to me off-line that you are ready to purse opening your own Hair Studio/ Art Gallery. Can you tell us more about this?
Sofia: Of course!  After finishing graduate school I had to decide what I wanted to do as a career, but during this tough economy finding my dream job was not easy.  I decided that I would create my own dream job!  Using my education and work skills, I came up with the idea of creating a Hair Studio that supports local artists, designers, musicians, and will use the hair studio as a venue for others to showcase themselves as well.  I plan on opening within the next two years in San Francisco, CA.  I want to help others pursue their dreams as well! I will be able to put everything I love doing into one space, I am really excited and cannot wait!
Joey: Obviously at Joey Voodoo we love tattoos. What was the first and last tattoo you got?
Sofia: My first tattoo was on my 18th birthday!  I drew up a sun and moon sketch, and got it tattooed on my ankle.  After finishing the tattoo I was so excited I wanted to show everyone and couldn’t wait for my next one!  My last tattoo was while I was on vacation in New York.  It is the famous sculpture in the Fashion District of the button and needle, which is also on my ankle.
Joey: If you had a choice, what magazine would you be on the cover of?
Sofia: If I could be on any magazine cover I would love to be on Nylon, Inked Girls and of course Vogue!
Joey: If you were a candy bar what would you be and why?
Sofia: I would have to be a 3 Musketeer, because I have a tough outer shell, which is my strength, but soft on the inside, because I am a sweetheart on the inside.
Joey: What actor would you want to play your love interest in a movie?
Sofia: That’s a tough one lol!  I’d would say Orlando Bloom because I love his smile!
Joey: Sofia thanks so much for hanging out. Any final words or shout outs?
Sofia: Thank you so much for having me!  First off I would like to thank you for this opportunity and for everyone who has been supporting me all this time!  Also, show love to local fashion designers PbM Clothing, which stands for Powerful Beyond Measure.  Let’s support our local artists! Lastly a shout out to my tattoo artists at Secret Sidewalk Tattoo Studio in Tracy, CA! Thank you so much!!!


Sofia Vee Facebook

Sofia Vee Twitter

Sofia Vee Instagram: @sofiavee

PbM Clothing

Secret Sidewalk Tattoo

Lamar K Photo
Low Tek Studios
Martin Delfino Photography
Susan Lomolino Body Painting Artist
Hair/ Makeup Nora Arechiga
Hair/Makeup Adriana Reyes
Styling by Sofia Vee


  1. Nasim Baldishaheer says:

    I’d nail ‘er. I’d nail ‘er good.

  2. christinesilva78 says:

    Way to go Sofia !!!!! 😉

  3. so AWESOME!!! beautiful photos =) congrats!

  4. Stephanie Parra says:

    You look beautiful in these pics! I love your tattoo art!! Keep up the great work!

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