Voodoo Doll of the Month: Vany Vicious

Vany Vicous is a model..tattoo artist..body piercer…makeup artist from Miami, FL. Her beautiful looks have been featured in various publications. Today we are extremely excited to feature her on Joey Voodoo as our new Voodoo Doll of the Month!

Joey: Hellooo Vany Vicious! Thanks so much for hanging out with us! Model, tattoo artist, body piercer…where to begin? Let’s start with tattooing. How did you get into it and who gave you your first shot?

Vany: Hey there! Well, I got into tattooing pretty randomly, it wasn’t anything planned. I first met my boss when I was 17 years old and I told him I wanted to learn how to pierce. He taught me everything I needed to know ,and gave me a job at his shop when I turned 18. After a few years of me piercing, he came up to me one day and said “So since your in a shop all day already,and you already look like a tattoo artist, why dont you just learn to tattoo?” lol..I was scared at first but I asked him to apprentice me,and he did ! Ive been working for him ever since.

Joey: What tattoo artists today inspire you?

Vany: I’m inspired by a lot of different tattoo artists for a lot of different reasons.. My biggest inspiration comes from people I personally know, I love seeing my friends progress in their careers.

Joey: What’s the first tattoo you got and the story behind it?

Vany: My first tattoo was gifted to me by my dad for my 15th birthday. I ended up getting some stupid stars on my lower back which will eventually be covered up lol.

Joey: How and when did you get into modeling?

Vany: Modeling is also something that came randomly. I used to live with a good friend of mine.We had a really cool looking house,and she had a pretty good camera that she got as a gift from her grandfather.We decided to try to shoot some stuff, and eventually that turned into shooting me in our bathroom, on our pool table, etc etc. lol ..From there, I met some photographers and its been on ever since.

Joey: If you had a choice, what magazine would you be on the cover of?

Vany: There is not any one magazine cover that I’d particularly like to be on, being in any magazine is a blessing. But I think it’d be awesome to be on the cover of Savage magazine again. The first time I was on it, I was about 19 years old. So I think it’d be pretty cool to do it again because I look pretty different now.

Joey: Who’s your celebrity crush?

Vany: My celebrity crush is my boyfriend Lex One from the group Wizard Sleeve. lol.. Or Johnny Depp!

Joey: What makes you feel sexy?

Vany: I don’t know why but wigs make me feel sexy.haha! I’ve always had really short hair so when I wear wigs I’m like “oh man! Is this what it feels like to be a girl?” hah

Joey: Slow and low or pedal to the metal?

Vany: Pedal to the Metal!!!!!!!

Joey: Vany thanks again for your time. Any final words or shout outs?

Vany: Thank you so much for having me! Shout out to my favorite photographer, Mentel Candy Photography! If it wasn’t for her, I’d still be posing for my room mate on our couch! lol. Shout out to my little brother Damian,I love you! And Shout out to my babe Lex, for always supporting everything I do and not being a jealous psyco. lol


Official Vany Vicious

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  1. Awesum she is totally awesum and love her tats :p


  1. […] I’m the voodoo girl of the month on JoeyVooDoo.Com […]

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