Voodoo Doll of the Month: Kitty Couture

Joey: Hey Kitty!! I’m totally stoked and excited to feature you as a Voodoo Doll! Tell the folks where home is and how and when you got into modeling?

Kitty: Hey! Thanks for having me. Home for me is Glasgow, Scotland. I currently live in Cardiff though, I’ve been here about two years. I’ve been modeling for about a year and a half now. I got into it last year, it all kind of snow balled! I’ve been super lucky with the opportunities I’ve been given.

Joey: I love your pics…beautiful! What type of shoots are your favorite?

Kitty: Definitely the more casual feel. I’m happiest in trainers! Although I loved shooting in Latex. One of the best things about modeling is getting to play different roles in every shoot. I love to jump around a lot in shoots, which isn’t quite as easy in heels.

Joey: You’ve been featured many times in tattoo publications. What magazine cover would be a dream of yours to be on?

Kitty: Either Skin Deep Magazine, or FHM. I’ve done some bits with Skin Deep before, Tattoo Vixens 2/Tattoo Bible 2, but I’d love to get front cover of the monthly magazine.

Joey: What was the first tattoo you got and the story behind it?

Kitty: Now you’re asking! It was a record company logo, I got it when I was about 16? Stupid eh. It’s since been covered up.

Joey: What would you say is your most defining feature?

Kitty: People usually say my eyes. I’ve got really light blue eyes! A lot of people find them really creepy, or ask if I’m wearing contacts.

Joey: What actor would you want to play your love interest in a movie?

Kitty: Jean Reno, from when he was in Leon. There’s something very sultry about him in it. Plus its my favorite film.

Joey: What makes you feel sexy?

Kitty: My stage outfits usually do! I’ve been performing burlesque for about five years now. I always choose songs that are a little bit cheeky.

Joey: If you were a candy bar, what would you be and why?

Kitty: Standard dairy milk, no messing and no weird surprises.

Joey: Kitty thanks again for your time, it’s a real pleasure! Any final words or shout outs?

Kitty: Visit my Official Facebook Page and please check out Speedball Clothing in London, I’ve been endorsed by them for a few months, awesome people and fresh clothing!

[youtube http://youtu.be/BsWT_D2CIFQ]


Kitty Couture Facebook

Kitty Couture Twitter

Instagram: KitsCouture

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