Voodoo Hottie of the Week: Kasi Lowry

Hottie of the Week

Tattooed Girls Hottie of the Week

Name: Kasi Lowry
Age: 22
Sign: Leo
Ethnicity: White girl
Hometown: Fort Myers, FL
Occupation: Waitress
Status: Happily taken
Hobbies: Photography, cosmetology
Food: Italian
Music: Sappy love songs and Elvis Presley of course
Makes You Happy: Babies, and my love
What Makes You Feel Sexy: My red lips and long locks
Guilty Pleasure: Chocolate
Celebrity Crush: Adam Levine
Favorite Movie: Garden State
5 Things You Can’t Live Without: Lipstick, camera, phone, chocolate, my lover.


Kasi Lowry Instagram: fancykasi

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