Voodoo Doll of the Month: Louella Deville

Voodoo Doll of the Month

Tattoos Tattooed Girls Models Voodoo Doll of the Month

Our Voodoo Doll of the Month for March is an internationally published alt/fetish/pin up fashion model who also is a singer/songwriter and actress. Her beauty is so alluring and sensual, that one look at this gorgeous model will leave you immediately captivated. We are honored to feature Louella Deville as the Voodoo Doll of the Month!!

Joey: Hey Louella!! WOW, I’m totally stoked and excited to feature you as a Voodoo Doll! Quickly tell the folks where you’re from and who is Louella Deville?

Louella: Hello!  I am a freelance model, a singer, writer, performer and pervert from Melbourne Australia.

Joey: How long have you been modeling and how did you get your start?

Louella: I started modeling when I was 17, so 6 years now. It began when I moved to Melbourne from my home town Byron Bay. I was working with a talent scout at the time, and through them I met some amazing talented photographers and people of the like.

Joey: What type of shoots are your favorite and which are the most challenging?

Louella: I don’t know if I have a favorite, I really enjoy all types of styles and concepts. I definitely enjoy conceptual shoots, with more of a darkness and edge. Fetish is always fun. Hmmm, most challenging would have to be when shooting in public places, you’re easily distracted by by passers and everyone wants to have a look, see whats going on.

Joey: What was the first tattoo you got and the story behind it?

Louella: The top of both my feet were my first. They define femininity and masculinity and are there to keep me balanced between the two.

Joey: You are staring in the new music video “Outta Control” by Kwasi, which happens to be our Music Video of the Week, tell us more about the video?

Louella: “Outta Control” was a fun project! The release was to give the fan’s of Kwasi’s music a taste of what his debut EP Strange Dreams will be like (which will be released next week). The concept behind the video was about Kwasi being inside a dream, and having a women (myself) perform voodoo on him (when I am playing with the doll in the start of the clip). As he drifts into his dream, he finds himself in a hotel room with a seductive lady. Its all about desire, how music can free you/ make you loose control.

Joey: Besides modeling you’re also a musician. Any new projects you’d like to tell us about?

Louella: At the moment I haven’t got much happening music wise. I’m doing a degree in Professional Writing and Public Relations, which is full time so its a bit hard to juggle studying with work, modeling and music. I am making a few tunes with Kwasi, but they won’t be out for awhile.

Joey: What movie title would best describe your life?

Louella: Legally Blonde. Haha jokes. Probably Life is Beautiful

Joey What makes you feel sexy?

Louella: Working out and lingerie

Joey: What’s your guilty pleasure?

Louella: Potato haha. Fries, crisps, vodka, baked potato. Everything potato

Joey: Louella thank you so much for your time and for being a part of the Voodoo Dolls! Any final words or shout outs?

Louella: It’s my pleasure, thanks for having me! Just keep it real, strive for your best and stay classy xox


Louella Facebook
Louella Model Mayhem
Louella Tumblr
Louella Twitter
Instagram: louelladeville


Musician: Kwasi
Videographer: Dank City
MUA: Dani Frankenstein


  1. […] Kwasi’s ‘Strange Dreams’ EP, set for release on March 11, 2013. The video stars Joey Voodoo Doll of the Month Louella […]

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