Voodoo Doll of the Month: Jenna Elaine

What’s not to love about Jenna Elaine? An amazing personality, a love for metal music and a member of the Ladies of Metal. She has a passion for tattoos, oh and on top of all that she’s a total knockout. We are proud to present and welcome to the Voodoo Family…Ms. Jenna Elaine the Voodoo Doll of the Month!

Joey: Hey Jenna! I’m really excited to feature you on the site as a Voodoo Doll! Tell the folks where you’re from and how and when you got into modeling?

Jenna: Hey all :)! I’m from Albuquerque, NM and I started modeling as a kid doing catalog work for varies kids clothing lines. Once I hit my teen-aged years I gave it all up to be your typical rebellious teen. I started back up in my early 20’s once I got sight of all the beautiful alternative models out there and decided that is something I could do and could do it well. I’ve been building my name in the alternative scene ever since.

Joey: What are your favorite types of shoots? [Read more…]

Voodoo Doll of the Month: Stefani Chapman

The wait is over as today we launch our highly anticipated new feature on the site…Voodoo Doll of the Month. What better way to kick it off then to announce our first ever Voodoo Doll is the beautiful and sexy makeup artist and model Stefani Chapman! Stefani represents such a seductive and sensual beauty  that is intoxicating and so ever alluring with her beautiful body art. It’s an honor to present you Voodoo Doll Stefani Chapman.

Joey: We love women with ink! What was the first tattoo you got and what was the most recent. What’s the story behind them?

Stefani: I got my first tattoo when I was 17 in cancun Mexico on my senior trip. They were a pair of Cherries on my ankle! Lol they didn’t have a meaning beside that they were cute and all of my friends were getting piercings, and I wanted to be different and get a tattoo. So that’s what I picked haha! I covered them up with a memorial piece dedicated to my dad! My last tattoo was a portrait of my pitbull Popeye. I should say my son because I spoil him to death! He’s my world!!

Joey: How did you get into modeling? [Read more…]