Voodoo Hottie of the Week: Barbie Olivia


Name: Barbie Olivia
Age: 22
Ethnicity: White
Hometown: Denver, CO
Occupation: Server, student, gogo dancer
Status: Secret 😀:D
Hobbies: Dancing and enjoying music
Food: Mexican Food! MMM 😉;))
Music: I LOVE all music! My favorite is Rap/Hip-hop, then def electronic music, but I love everything but rock haha
Makes You Happy: Life. I am happy to be me and I am proud of who I am.
What Makes You Feel Sexy: Be comfortable in my own skin 😉;)
Guilty Pleasure: Power, making others Envy the life I live
Celebrity Crush: Channing Tatum
Favorite Movie: Hmm tough! All time fav the Notebook, but I love comedies, action movies, and love movies. Hangover 1 is probably up top with my all time favs, it never gets old!
Superhero Power: To vanish people goodbye