Voodoo Hottie of the Week: Carissa Mae

Hottie of the Week

Sexy Girls Hottie of the Week Carissa Mae

Name: Carissa Mae
Age: 21
Sign: Gemini
Ethnicity: Filipino and Brazilian
Hometown: Service Gal
Occupation: Corporate Manager
Status: Single
Hobbies: Gym, Hiking, Running, Art, taking over the world.
Food: clean eater!
Music: every genre
Makes You Happy: being given the opportunity to wake every morning. Itself alone makes me incredibly happy
What Makes You Feel Sexy: waking up with bed head haha!
Guilty Pleasure: Beer đź‘…
Celebrity Crush: David Beckham
Favorite Movie: American Gangster
Superhero Power: Transporting
What turns you on: I’m a sapiosexual
What has been your worst job: I’m thankful for my opportunities
5 Things you can’t live without: Marine brothers, Dedication, Passion, the sun & the moon


Carissa Mae Facebook

Instagram: @carissa_mae