Voodoo Hottie of the Week: Carissa Mae

Hottie of the Week

Sexy Girls Hottie of the Week Carissa Mae

Name: Carissa Mae
Age: 21
Sign: Gemini
Ethnicity: Filipino and Brazilian
Hometown: Service Gal
Occupation: Corporate Manager
Status: Single
Hobbies: Gym, Hiking, Running, Art, taking over the world.
Food: clean eater!
Music: every genre
Makes You Happy: being given the opportunity to wake every morning. Itself alone makes me incredibly happy
What Makes You Feel Sexy: waking up with bed head haha!
Guilty Pleasure: Beer 👅
Celebrity Crush: David Beckham
Favorite Movie: American Gangster
Superhero Power: Transporting
What turns you on: I’m a sapiosexual
What has been your worst job: I’m thankful for my opportunities
5 Things you can’t live without: Marine brothers, Dedication, Passion, the sun & the moon


Carissa Mae Facebook

Instagram: @carissa_mae

Voodoo Hottie of the Week: Katrina Franchina

Hottie of the Week

Hottie of the Week Tattooed Girls Katrina Franchina

Name: Katrina Franchina
Age: 23
Sign: Libra!
Ethnicity: Sicilian, Italian, Polish, German, French and English
Hometown: From good ‘ol Cleveland, Ohio
Occupation: Hairstylist/makeup artist and a bartender at one of the top Steakhouses in the country:) 
Status: 100% single
Hobbies: Shopping, shopping, and oh did I say shopping ?! Love getting my hands into any kind of modeling gigs as well.
Food: Pretty much anything that isn’t seafood. Italian and Mexican foods are probably my favorite meals though!!
Music: 50’s and 60’s for sure. Also The Ghost Inside, Asking Alexandria, Our Last Night, Glass Cloud, The Amity Affliction, Far East Movement, Attack Attack!, The Color Morale, Like Moths to Flames, and can’t forget Lydia.
What Makes You Happy: When a goal of mine is accomplished.
What Makes You Feel Sexy: Hmmm, those certain heals with that certain dress ;]
Guilty Pleasure: Well, depends on what kind of pleasure you’re talking about……
Celebrity Crush: JESSE MCCARTNEY ! Call me a weirdo, I do not care 🙂
Favorite Movie: One Flew Over the Coo Coo’s Nest, for sure.
Superhero Power: Reading people’s minds !
What’s your karaoke song: As much as I really don’t like her, Toxic by B Spears.
What turns you on: That confidence, yet humbleness and kind heart in a guy.
What has been your worst job: Ickkkkk ! Working at Outback, years ago had the WORST manager.
5 Things you can’t live without: God, family, cell phone of course, music, anddddddd my entire collection of makeup 🙂
Katrina Instagram: Kat__b

Voodoo Hottie of the Week: Sarah Ve

Hottie of the Week

Hottie of the Week Tattooed Girls

Name: Sarah Ve
Age: Just turned 24
Sign: Aquarian
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Hometown: Sudbury, Canada!
Occupation: MUA for films and modeling
Hobbies: Painting, sewing and online shopping
Food: Perogies
Music: 80’s & 90’s Rock as well as some Metal
Makes You Happy: Sunny days, Family, exercise, tattoos and lazy nights watching scary movies and eating junk food 😛
What Makes You Feel Sexy: Mascara, big curly hair, a good pair of heels or a sexy night gown
Guilty Pleasure: A glass of red wine and a lemon sea salt bubble bath
Celebrity Crush: Leonardo Dicaprio ( I know lame)
Superhero Power: Teleport or control the weather!
What’s your karaoke song: Oh wow haha, hmm I basically am always singing off key as loud as possible. As embarrasing and bad as this sounds Nikki Minaj “Star Ships” or Guns-N-Roses “Sweet Child of Mine!”
What turns you on: A hard working and powerfull man, and deff a man in a suit yum
What has been your worst job: My worst job was a movie I worked on a while back, it was definitely a test to how much I love this industry.
5 Things you can’t live without: Thats an easy question! My fave shade of lip gloss, The walking dead Tv series & Dexter, Summers at my Cottage, My car and ice cream!


Sarah Ve Facebook

Voodoo Hottie of the Week: Kasi Lowry

Hottie of the Week

Tattooed Girls Hottie of the Week

Name: Kasi Lowry
Age: 22
Sign: Leo
Ethnicity: White girl
Hometown: Fort Myers, FL
Occupation: Waitress
Status: Happily taken
Hobbies: Photography, cosmetology
Food: Italian
Music: Sappy love songs and Elvis Presley of course
Makes You Happy: Babies, and my love
What Makes You Feel Sexy: My red lips and long locks
Guilty Pleasure: Chocolate
Celebrity Crush: Adam Levine
Favorite Movie: Garden State
5 Things You Can’t Live Without: Lipstick, camera, phone, chocolate, my lover.


Kasi Lowry Instagram: fancykasi

Joey Voodoo Tease of the Day

Tease of the Day


Voodoo Doll of the Month: Heidi Lavon


Joey: Hey Heidi!! I’m totally stoked and excited to feature you as a Voodoo Doll! Tell us who is Heidi Lavon?

Heidi: Heidi Lavon is a very much alive human being. To those who know me, they know that I have no problem speaking my mind. I say what I think needs to be heard.  Although, I am very extroverted, I do know when to show some discretion. That is something my momma always tried to instill in me at such an early age. I think she knew I was the trouble maker out of all of her daughters. All FOUR of us. Youngest and most certainly the black sheep of my whole family. I cant think of anyone else in my immediate family, as well as extended that has done the things I have done. Or adorn their body with as much art as I have. I am a true lefty. I rock a rough exterior but I’m really just a “mooshball” as a good friend at work would call me. I’m throwing you out there Ariel 😉 Even one of my new coworkers took one look at me and told me that when she first saw me, she said she thought I was going to be mean.  ME? Not even close. A true visionary, and always ready to take it to the next level. Try me.

Joey: When did you get into modeling and what are your favorite shoots?

Heidi: I have been modeling for about five years. I had a photographer contact me on Facebook actually and asked me if I was interested in her taking my photos. At this time I had no professional photos. I was kind of nervous at first, but as soon as I got into the swing of things I felt like I was in a safe place. Since that day, I have taken my modeling career and shot it in all kinds of directions. Whether it be from horror, to lifestyle, to natural lighting, to implied, to anything alternative and tattooed related. My favorite way of shooting would be anything tattooed related. I have adorned my body with a ton of time, patience, pain, and good money. Money well spent I’d say. I am overjoyed to have friends, family, and people on the outside admire my body art. I have had the honor of meeting and getting to know my current artists and have them lay down their idea of what tattooing should look like.

Joey: What magazine cover would be a dream of yours to be on?

Heidi: Most CERTAINLY Bound By Ink. My homeboy Andy Hartmark is their lead photographer, and in my opinion, one of the best damn photographers out there.

Joey: Tell us about any new tattoos you have?

Heidi: Well… I am having my whole entire throat done tomorrow. Every time I get tattooed I always think thats going to be my most favorite…until I get tattooed again and claim THAT one is my favorite. Easily, my portrait of my passed beloved is my favorite. I say this because truly to me, that is the highest form of respect, love, and loyalty, and I am MOST CERTAINLY a person that possesses all of those traits. A tattoo that marks a special moment, feeling, or experience in time outweighs all of the other pieces that someone will get.

Joey: What would you say is your most defining feature?

Heidi: Physically? I’ve been told I have a pretty killer stomach. I work really hard on my core. I love sculpted obliques. Hard work pays off!

Joey: What actor would you want to play your love interest in a movie?

Heidi: Bruce Willis…. 20 years ago. HAHA!

Joey: What makes you feel sexy?

Heidi: Waxing my mustache haha! And when my boyfriend wraps his big, strong, tattooed arms around me. It makes me feel like a midget! 🙂

Joey: If you were a candy bar, what would you be and why?

Heidi: Probably a Snickers, because I’m always laughing and I’m a bit nutty.

Joey: Heidi thanks again, it’s a real pleasure! Any final words or shout outs?

Heidi: Sure no problem! 🙂 Real stoked on my feature, and honored to be recognized! I think everyone needs a little recognition here and there for all of the hard work they put in. Whether its a photographer on set, a hair and makeup team to help glamify their model, and of corse the wonderful designer/company who provides all of the stellar wardrobe and/or accessories to help make the collaboration COHESIVE and successful! Special thanks to Chris Ferrill of Tattwo Apparel for sponsoring me and supplying some kickass gear for my upcoming collaborations. If you guys haven’t checked out his work yet, you SHOULD…gear supplied for all tattoo lovers nationwide!   Check it out on Facebook, Tumblr, Instagram, ETC!

Also, to my Lord and savior and my wonderful family for telling me if something makes me happy, to reach for it, and for never once judging me and accepting every inch that I am. I’m lucky to have a family that can look past all of my flaws, tattoos, piercings, dumbo sized ears, and colored and/or shaved head to see ME.


Heidi Lavon Facebook

Heidi Lavon Instagram: @HEIDILAVON

Voodoo Hottie of the Week: Harley Quinn


Name: Harley Quinn
Age: 26
Ethnicity: Hispanic
Hometown: South Bay California
Occupation: Visual Stylist
Status: In a relationship
Hobbies: Martial Arts/Kung Fu (not just a hobby but a lifestyle)
Food: Cookies, Ice Cream & Pizza
Music: Let’s just say I’m a connoisseur of music
Makes You Happy: Music, Fashion & a Fresh Manicure
What Makes You Feel Sexy: Bare Skin
Guilty Pleasure: Anime Porn & Rude Humor
Celebrity Crush: James Franco
Favorite Movie: Apocalypto
Superhero Power: Just like Harleen Quinzel, high intelligence, exceptional agility & strength, immunity to most toxins, psychologist, skilled gymnast.


Harley Quinn Facebook

Instagram: @wildcardharley

Voodoo Doll of the Month: Kitty Couture

Joey: Hey Kitty!! I’m totally stoked and excited to feature you as a Voodoo Doll! Tell the folks where home is and how and when you got into modeling?

Kitty: Hey! Thanks for having me. Home for me is Glasgow, Scotland. I currently live in Cardiff though, I’ve been here about two years. I’ve been modeling for about a year and a half now. I got into it last year, it all kind of snow balled! I’ve been super lucky with the opportunities I’ve been given.

Joey: I love your pics…beautiful! What type of shoots are your favorite?

Kitty: Definitely the more casual feel. I’m happiest in trainers! Although I loved shooting in Latex. One of the best things about modeling is getting to play different roles in every shoot. I love to jump around a lot in shoots, which isn’t quite as easy in heels.

Joey: You’ve been featured many times in tattoo publications. What magazine cover would be a dream of yours to be on? [Read more…]

Tease of the Day

Voodoo Hottie of the Week: Sabrina Pedicelli

Name: Sabrina Pedicelli
Age: 26
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Hometown: Montreal, Canada now in Palm Bay, Florida
Occupation: Retail manager
Status: Taken ❤
Hobbies: Thrift shopping and Gogo dancing
Food: Oreos and broccoli..just not together 🙂
Music: Edm and hair metal
Makes You Happy: Beards, my dog, coffee and shoes
What Makes You Feel Sexy: Driving my truck
Guilty Pleasure: Addicted to Ebay
Worst Pick Up Line You Heard: Want to get pizza and f*ck?!
Celebrity Crush: Channing Tatum
Favorite Movie: Home Alone
Superhero Power:To be Invisible