Voodoo Hottie of the Week: Sabrina Pedicelli

Name: Sabrina Pedicelli
Age: 26
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Hometown: Montreal, Canada now in Palm Bay, Florida
Occupation: Retail manager
Status: Taken ❤
Hobbies: Thrift shopping and Gogo dancing
Food: Oreos and broccoli..just not together 🙂
Music: Edm and hair metal
Makes You Happy: Beards, my dog, coffee and shoes
What Makes You Feel Sexy: Driving my truck
Guilty Pleasure: Addicted to Ebay
Worst Pick Up Line You Heard: Want to get pizza and f*ck?!
Celebrity Crush: Channing Tatum
Favorite Movie: Home Alone
Superhero Power:To be Invisible