Voodoo Doll of the Month: Terri De-Lis Altilar

Voodoo Doll of the Month

Tattooed Girls Models Voodoo Doll of the Month Terri Altilar

I am very excited to present to you this months Voodoo Doll! A beautiful model from the UK who has been featured in many publications and who appeared on the hit BBC show “Don’t Tell the Bride”…it’s a great pleasure to introduce you to the lovely Terri De-Lis Altilar!!

Joey: Hi Terri!! I’m so super excited that we are featuring you as our new Voodoo Doll of the Month! Please tell the folks where you’re from and a little bit about who is Terri De-Lis Altilar?

Terri: I am so pleased to of been asked to be this months Voodoo Doll…Thank you! I am from a little town called Castleford near Leeds in the UK. I am a model signed by Spirit Models, I am however an alternative model as I am not your average looking model as I am heavily tattooed and have forever changing vibrant coloured hair. I have recently just got married to my amazing husband on a TV program called “Don’t Tell The Bride” which was the best day of my life despite him arranging everything and me not knowing any of the plans or been able to have any say over the big day… I am very business minded however part of my brain lives in a fairytale sometimes.

Joey: How long have you been modeling and how did you get your start?

Terri: I have been modelling professionally with Spirit Models for about 2 years but for many years before that it was a big hobby of mine that I wanted to change into a full time career one day. I think from a young age I was always into fashion and loved been in front of the camera so I think that’s where the love for modelling came from. However at school I was bullied a little (Standard, probably the same as everyone at school) however I was bullied because I didn’t quite fit in with everyone else as I didn’t follow the crowd and always wore and dressed what I felt comfortable in and what I thought looked good. I was also called many names as I was one of very few mixed race girls in the school. When I was 17 I was glassed by 2 girls which left scarring on my face, this really affected me and I thought that I wouldn’t be able to model anymore. As time went by my mindset changed and thought I would stand up for all the girls that do stand out and look different hence why I decided to pursue my dream career again.

Joey: You’ve been featured in many publications such as Skin Deep and Teen Spirit to name few. What magazine would be your dream cover?

Terri: I am yet to have a cover however would be a great achievement to be on the cover of Skin Deep magazine rather than inside but also Vogue would be like the greatest achievement ever but to be honest I think it would be amazing for any alternative model to be on the cover of Vogue as that would mean the whole industry is changing and accepting that you do not have to be a certain height, weight, look.

Joey: What’s your favorite type of shoot?

Terri: I absolutely love all shoots. I love working on any new projects and been able to meet new creative people… At the minute I am loving latex and fashion.

Joey: What was the first tattoo you got and the story behind it?

Terri: The first tattoo I had was horrendous!!! I was under age and knew nothing about tattoos. I didn’t realise that there are so many different types and every tattoo artists skills differ. I had a ying yang sign on my foot, I went into the first studio I found and picked number 35 off the wall. There was no thought behind it… I do regret it however it taught me to always do your research and to think about every tattoo you have.  This tattoo is now covered with a beautiful flower which is colourful, done really well and covers pretty much the top of my foot.

Joey: What movie title would best describe your life?

Terri: This is a really hard one as i have so much going on in my life to be able to describe it best in one movie title… an all rounder that would fit would have to be Pursuit of Happiness as thats is my ultimate goal in life 🙂

Joey: What actor would you want to play your love interest in a movie?

Terri: It would have to be Jason Statham, he is amazing… I sort of have an obsession with him! However, I am a sucker for a man with facial tattoos and a beard which is the other end of the scale to Jason.

Joey: What makes you feel sexy?

Terri: Great clothes can always make you feel so much better about yourself and obviously My hubby as he always makes me feel sexy even when I’m ill!

Joey: Name five things you can’t live without?

Terri: 1. My Pomeranian – Noah  2. My Hubby  3. My love for Unicorns  4. Music   5. Good Food

Joey: Terri I want to thank you so much for your time and for being a part of the Voodoo Dolls! Any final words or shout outs?

Terri: Thank you so much and thanks to all the readers really is a pleasure to have been asked! Thank you to everyone that I have ever worked with or helped me in anyway, shape and form. Thanks to my family and friends for putting up with me and pushing me to follow my dream and always see me for who I am and not what I look like. I have to mention my sponsors for this year as they are amazing and you are all missing out if you’ve never seen their stuff so go check out Alice Takes A Trip, Sick Plugs UK, Catalyst Latex (Images above), and Angels Tattoo Studio. I’d also like to thank two excellent photographers; Kate Robson Photography and Vivienne Edge Photography (images above).

I also need to share a little secret I have….. Unicorns are real!! BELIEVE!!


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